Impact of COVID-19 on the operational and construction all risk insurances
Tuesday, 08 September 2020
by Insuralex
Our exclusive member of Argentine has published an article (in Spanish) on the Impact of COVID-19 on the operational and construction all risk insurances. Please find the article below. The article highlightes the following topics: · Pandemic as a fundamental risk; · Absence of direct physical damage as a result of
- Published in Allende & Brea, News + Articles
2020 Insurance digital commercialization in Latin America report
Monday, 07 September 2020
by Insuralex
Digital commercialization for insurers in Latin America ceased to be a long-term development project to became a top priority to them. It gained special relevance during the year 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, whose effects prevented the insurance market from commercializing its products through the customary mechanisms. As jurisdictions in Latin America have several
- Published in Allende & Brea, BLP Costa Rica, BLP Guatemala, Brigard Urrutia, D’Empaire, Estudio Carvallo Abogados, Ferrere Abogados, Jáuregui y Del Valle, Moreno Baldivieso, News + Articles, Osterling Abogados, Pereyra & Asociados, Pérez Bustamante & Ponce, Peroni Sosa Tellechea Burt & Narvaja, Pinheiro Neto Advogados, Reports, Sucre Arias Reyes
FCA business interruption insurance test case – a recap as we await judgment
Friday, 04 September 2020
by Insuralex
A summary of the background to the test case and the keys issues following the conclusion of the hearing On 30 July 2020, the High Court hearing of the FCA’s business interruption insurance test case concluded. The FCA intends to resolve the uncertainty as to how business interruption insurance policies should respond to Covid-19 related
- Published in Carter Perry Bailey LLP, News + Articles
Insuralex Board of Director´s Member Rick Hammond appointed to Illinois Supreme Court Task Force on Court Operations During COVID-19
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
by Insuralex
Rick Hammond, current member of Insuralex´s board of directors, Illinois Defense Counsel (IDC) past president and partner with HeplerBroom LLC, has been appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to the newly formed Task Force on Court Operations During COVID-19. Rick will act as the voice for IDC and the defense bar on the task force.
- Published in HeplerBroom LLC, News + Articles
Actual Knowledge or Awareness That Product is Sold in Washington Required for Personal Jurisdiction Based on Stream of Commerce
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
by Insuralex
On July 13, 2020, the Washington court of appeals issued the third in a trilogy of decisions regarding whether a showing of actual knowledge or awareness that a product is sold in Washington is necessary to support personal jurisdiction in stream-of-commerce cases. In Noll v. American Biltrite, Inc., Case No. No. 77888-9-I, 2020 WL 3960362 (Wash.
- Published in Bullivant Houser Bailey PC, News + Articles
Business interruption insurance: But for COVID-19 / But for the lockdown regulations?
Friday, 17 July 2020
by Insuralex
Businesses across most landscapes have suffered immensely due to the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Business insurance appears to be no exception. In a ground-breaking decision, the Western Cape High Court in the case of Café Chameleon v Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd (WCHC, Case no. 5736/2020, 26 June 2020) ruled against an insurer for payment of
- Published in News + Articles
California Legislators Attempt to Create Business Income Coverage for COVID-19 by Reversing Burdens of Proof
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
by Insuralex
One of the less exciting components of litigation is the burden of proof. The lack of excitement, however, masks its importance. In many instances, which party is assigned the burden of proof determines the outcome – the party with the burden of proof loses. Some members of the California legislature are using this reality to
- Published in Bullivant Houser Bailey PC, News + Articles
T. David Rheney Elected President of Insuralex
Monday, 13 July 2020
by Insuralex
A new board of directors elected for the global insurance lawyers group Gallivan White Boyd partner T. David Rheney was elected as president of Insuralex during its recent annual meeting. Insuralex is a worldwide network of more than 50 independent law firms that practice insurance and reinsurance coverage, defense, litigation and related legal services. Its
- Published in Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A, News + Articles
COVID-19 and the Global (Re)Insurance Industry – Thinking Ahead
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
by Insuralex
Thursday, July 9th, 2020 (6:00-8:00 Los Angeles / 9:00-11:00 New York / 14:00-16:00 London / 22:00-24:00 Tokyo) Please join our panel of Insuralex legal experts from across the globe for an insightful and forward-looking live webinar on the key impacts that the current COVID-19 pandemic is having and will have on the (re)insurance industry. How
- Published in News + Articles
Risks of pandemic-related insurance – a public-private partnership on the horizon…
Thursday, 18 June 2020
by Insuralex
The enforceability of extension clauses relating to contagious or infectious diseases contained in certain business interruption insurance policies has raised legal and policy considerations, with different opinions being advanced from within legal circles. The South African Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and Prudential Authority (PA) (collectively, the Authorities) have released Joint Communication 5 of 2020.
- Published in News + Articles