Thursday, July 9th, 2020
(6:00-8:00 Los Angeles / 9:00-11:00 New York / 14:00-16:00 London / 22:00-24:00 Tokyo)
Please join our panel of Insuralex legal experts from across the globe for an insightful and forward-looking live webinar on the key impacts that the current COVID-19 pandemic is having and will have on the (re)insurance industry.
How is the industry being impacted now?
What is around the corner?
What will be the long-term impacts and how will the pandemic change the way insurers look at and manage risk?
Please join our panelists from Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia:
-Bernadette Bailey (Carter Perry Bailey). Insuralex exclusive member in the United Kingdom.
-Tomoki Debari (Anderson Mori & Tomotsune). Insuralex exclusive member in Japan.
-Andrew Downs (Bullivant Houser). Insuralex exclusive member in California, U.S.A.
-Diógenes Gonçalves (Pinheiro Neto Advogados). Insuralex exclusive member in Brazil.
-Paul Isaac (Matson Driscoll & Damico – MDD). Forensic Accountants, United Kingdom.
-Amy Johnson (HeplerBroom, LLC). Insuralex exclusive member in Illinois, U.S.A.
-Rachel Kelly (Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr). Insuralex exclusive member in South Africa.
-Ian Pérez (Belzuz Abogados). Insuralex exclusive member firm in Spain & Portugal.
-Noya Yulish (Gross, Orad, Schlimoff & Co.). Insuralex exclusive member in Israel.
Moderator: Neftalí Garro (BLP). Insuralex exclusive member in Costa Rica. President of the Board of Directors of Insuralex.