Andreas Weinzierl Elected President of Insuralex
Thursday, 15 July 2021
by Insuralex
A new board of directors elected for the global insurance lawyers group Tramposch & Partner´s managing partner Andreas Weinzierl was recently elected as president of Insuralex during its annual meeting. Founded in 2002, Insuralex is a worldwide network of more than 50 independent law firms that specialize in insurance and reinsurance coverage, defense, litigation and
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Assessing insurance claims in light of intentionally missed premium payments
Tuesday, 06 July 2021
by Insuralex
In instances where someone fails to pay an insurance premium and it amounts to a repudiation of an insurance contract, the insurer need not provide an extension for the payment of a premium (grace period) regardless of the wording of the policy. This was held in the recent decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal
- Published in News + Articles
2021 Criminal prosecution of insurance fraud in LatAm
Wednesday, 09 June 2021
by Insuralex
One of the great challenges facing insurers today is to have effective tools against insurance fraud. To this purpose, some Latin American countries have opted to include this type of conduct as a crime in their criminal law. Others, on the other hand, have opted for a generic criminal offense, such as fraud, which could
- Published in Allende & Brea, BLP Costa Rica, BLP Guatemala, Brigard Urrutia, D’Empaire, Estudio Carvallo Abogados, Ferrere Abogados, Moreno Baldivieso, News + Articles, Osterling Abogados, Pereyra & Asociados, Pérez Bustamante & Ponce, Peroni Sosa Tellechea Burt & Narvaja, Pinheiro Neto Advogados, Reports, Sucre Arias Reyes
Insuralex AGM – 2021 (Zoom)
Wednesday, 09 June 2021
by Insuralex
- Published in News + Articles
PEREYRA & ASOCIADOS(P&A) chosen as the Exclusive Member in Dominican Republic by Insuralex.
Friday, 04 June 2021
by Insuralex
Ranked Dominican law firm Pereyra & Asociados (P&A) has announced it has been chosen by Insuralex Global Insurance Lawyers Group, a worldwide association of independent insurance and reinsurance lawyers, as its exclusive member firm in the Dominican Republic. A long running, ranked, acclaimed and renown Law Firm with ample experience and known capabilities, Pereyra &
- Published in News + Articles, Pereyra & Asociados
Does a broker owe a ‘duty to nanny’?
Wednesday, 02 June 2021
by Insuralex
A summary of the case of ABN Amro Bank N.V. v Royal & Sun Alliance plc and 13 Underwriters and Edge Brokers (London) Limited. With the nature and extent of the fall-out for insurance brokers from the FCA test case yet to fully emerge (though anecdotal evidence suggests the volume of precautionary notifications are substantial),
- Published in Carter Perry Bailey LLP, News + Articles
Approval of the Royal Decree on training within the scope of insurance distribution
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
by Insuralex
Latest additions to the Royal Decree on training in order to implement Directive (EU) 2016/97. A few weeks ago, the Council of Ministers in Spain approved the Royal Decree 287/2021, of 20 April, on training and statistical-accounting reporting of insurance or reinsurance distributors, which would complement the Royal Decree 3/2020, on urgent action, in which
- Published in Belzuz Abogados Spain, News + Articles
Insurtech in Claims: Faster, better, cheaper
Thursday, 06 May 2021
by Insuralex
Insuralex´s Exclusive member in UK (Carter, Perry Bailey) and Insuralex´s Sponsor (Lowers Forensics International) provide a summary of key developments related to Insurtech and Insurance Claims. THOUGH INSURERS, BROKERS, MANAGING AGENTS, and all others who play a part in insurance have different roles and objectives, the push towards a digitally connected world has led to
- Published in Carter Perry Bailey LLP, News + Articles
Full webinar recording on demand: Class Action in Europe
Tuesday, 04 May 2021
by Insuralex
Full recording on demand: Class Action in Europe – developments towards a “new normal” in litigation in light of the directive (EU) 2020/1828? The European Parliament has adopted legislation to allow EU consumers to defend their rights collectively. This will be transposed into national law within two years. At the moment, there is quite a diverse
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Tagged under:
accounting, business, classaction, consumers, Europe, forensic, insurancelaw, law, legal
Historic 2020 Wildfires Spark Proposed Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith Legislation in Oregon
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
by Insuralex
The wildfires that ripped through Oregon in September of 2020 caused unprecedented damage, and sparked legislation that would expand property coverage and look to create a bad faith cause of action in Oregon. HB 3272 seeks to amend ORS 742.230 to require several changes to property coverage provided in homeowner policies – if passed, among
- Published in Bullivant Houser Bailey PC, News + Articles