At the Annual General Meeting of Insuralex, the global insurance lawyers group, which was held in Paris on 4th July, Michael Connelly (Partner of Connelly Baker Wotring from Houston) was unanimously elected as the President of the Association replacing Bill Perry (Senior Partner of Carter Perry Bailey from London)
Bill stepped down after an extremely successful two year period of office, which has seen Insuralex expand to include 40 Members in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Australia and the United States and continued the Group’s successful association with the ARC Group in Canada.
In paying tribute to the outgoing President, Michael Connelly said “During Bill’s time as President, Insuralex has really come of age. The Group has expanded right across the World and we have established a strong Global Brand, which is increasingly appreciated by the Markets we seek to serve.”
“I am looking forward to working with the new Board to develop Insuralex further, building on the great work that has been done” Michael continued. “I am confident that over the next two years we shall be able to improve further Insuralex’s global reach and profile, develop new and exciting products for our clients and generally ensure that Insuralex maintains its standing as the pre-eminent global insurance lawyers group in the market.”
In other Board changes, Christer Holm (from NorelidHolm, Stockholm) was elected Vice-President and Bertjan de Lange (from Streefkerk, The Hague) was elected as Secretary. Jean Lawler (from Murchison & Cumming, Los Angeles) was elected as Treasurer.
David Brackenbury, the Marketing Director announced that he will be leaving Insuralex to devote more time to his successful consultancy and Insuralex will shortly make an announcement about their future plans.
Michael Connelly thanked David for his service to Insuralex, saying “The Board and all the Members are very grateful for David’s hard work, unfailing cheerfulness and his contribution to the expansion of the Group as well as his work promoting Insuralex in Markets in London, Europe and the USA. He will always be a friend and we look forward to staying in touch.”
Michael Connelly added “Insuralex has become a global force in the provision of legal assistance to the worldwide insurance market. We have the geographical coverage and the expertise to handle insurance and reinsurance coverage and associated defence and litigation work in complex situations and across multiple legal jurisdictions”
Note to Editors: Insuralex is a worldwide association of independent insurance and reinsurance lawyers dedicated to the global insurance and risk management community. The Group consists of leading firms of lawyers around the world, all of whom specialise in insurance and reinsurance coverage, defence and litigation work.