In tumultuous times for the UK, we are delighted to welcome a distinguished panel to consider London’s future as a global market leader in (re)insurance, financial services and resolving disputes:
Dominic Grieve QC MP
MP for Beaconsfield, Privy Counsellor, President of the Franco-British Society and former Attorney General, Dominic is now at the forefront of the Brexit debate.
Stuart Rouse BA (Hons), ACMA
Chief Financial Officer at leading MGA group, Nexus Underwriting Management. Stuart’s experience includes CFO and COO positions in the Lloyd’s, company and broking markets. He has been instru mental in Nexus becoming one of the fastest growing companies in the UK and Europe.
Sir Richard Aikens
Recently retired Lord Justice of Appeal and Vice-President of the Consultative Council of European Judges, as a QC Sir Richard practiced in insurance/reinsurance, shipping and commercial disputes, and now sits as an arbitrator. Sir Richard also writes for “Briefings for Brexit”.
Joining the panel’s discussion and providing views from a truly global perspective, will be Insuralex Members from more than 50 jurisdictions.
Our co-chairs for the session will be Insuralex President, Martín Argañaraz Luque of Allen- de & Brea, Buenos Aires, and Insuralex past-President, Bill Perry of Carter Perry Bailey LLP, London.
Insuralex is the leading global network of independent specialist insurance
and reinsurance law firms
Neelam Sultan, Meetings Organiser – Insuralex Group | neelam@insuralex.com or +44 (0) 7957 611975