PD Law Offices

Evolution, Innovation, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Consistency
These have been the main characteristics of the leading presence “PD Law Offices”, since its establishment. We are building our reputation upon our commitment to excellence and our dedication to combine

- Professionalism with a human approach
- Efficiency and effectiveness with consistency
- Equal treatment with respect to your uniqueness

When PD Law Offices” was established in 1941 by Emmanuel Pantelidis, it was initially based in Volos. In 1967 it moved to  Athens, while in 1979 “PD Law Offices” significantly evolved and expanded its services.

Nowadays, the law office is managed by Yiannis Pantelidis and Anastasia Daradani and is supported by an experienced team of competent professionals.

It is mainly engaged in Commercial, Civil, Administrative and Property Law and has established a dynamic presence all over Greece, as well as abroad.


Contact PD Law Offices

PD Law Offices

Email: info@pdlawoffices.gr
Phone: +30 210 3611376
Fax: +30 210 3642817
Website: http://www.pdlawoffices.gr
Address: 77 Skoufa Str.(106 80) Athens
Country: GREECE