A new board of directors elected for the global insurance lawyers group
Tramposch & Partner´s managing partner Andreas Weinzierl was recently elected as president of Insuralex during its annual meeting.
Founded in 2002, Insuralex is a worldwide network of more than 50 independent law firms that specialize in insurance and reinsurance coverage, defense, litigation and related legal services. Its members work for a wide range of clients including insurance and reinsurance companies, Lloyd’s syndicates, insurance and reinsurance brokers as well as captives and self-insured companies. Each member firm of Insuralex is a leader in its national or state jurisdiction on issues related to insurance and reinsurance.
Insuralex is particularly recognized in complex claims that require a high specialization and that have an international component that requires specialized knowledge in diverse jurisdictions.
Former president David Rheney stated:
“It has been an honor to lead Insuralex this past year. I am proud of the depth of insurance and reinsurance industry expertise that this organization has to offer across the globe and also very proud of the level of collaboration that our members have achieved after so many years of working together.
Especially in the COVID times, the importance of Insuralex as the premier global insurance law firm network cannot be understated, as our clients in the industry benefit firsthand from our local knowledge and global reach. Best wishes to the incoming Board.”
The new board of directors for the 2020-2021 term includes:
President: Andreas Weinzierl (Austria)
Vice President: Lucas Fajardo (Colombia)
Treasurer: Marta Olczak-Klimek (Poland)
Secretary: Samantha Lemery (Atlanta, US)
General Counsel: Alexa Zeeman (Netherlands)
“I like to thank our immediate past-president, David Rheney from Gallivan, White & Boyd (South Carolina, US), for his effective service as president of Insuralex over the past year. His outstanding leadership during the last year has been invaluable to Insuralex. I am honored to have the opportunity to follow him as president. We at Insuralex continue our philosophy of being present whenever and wherever we are needed, providing excellent legal services for our clients.
With almost 20 years of continuous growth, Insuralex has become one of the leading insurance and reinsurance networks in the world with a highly recognized recommendation with our partners and clients within the insurance and reinsurance industry.
After including a new member from the Dominican Republic, Pereyra & Asociados, our plan is to continue our growth to include other high quality law firms worldwide, to promote our vision of proactivity in the insurance and reinsurance markets and to continue to develop long-term relationships with our clients.” – Andreas Weinzierl, President
As a member of the firm’s insurance practice group, Andreas Weinzierl has extensive experience in handling national and cross border insurance claims and defense litigation.